Labor Day Weekend Fun

Mike and I headed to the UP for Labor Day weekend and had a wonderful time. We hauled our camper up to Marquette on Thursday and got in about midnight. We showed for three days and visited with friends. Highlights included wonderful dinners with our friends Kim Katanik, Pat Backhouse, and Cindy and Marshall Rokos. We built a huge fire and made smores Saturday night. Showing went very well indeed. On Friday I showed our little "Chunky Monkey" aka Dawn in her very first dog show and she was Winners Bitch for her first point. The next day Holly was Winners Bitch for one point and then Sunday Holly won again and finished her championship! What a wonderful weekend. Then not to be outdone by the Poms, Boston got the first leg on her CD obedience title with a placement (4th) in Novice B! I was thrilled!
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