Last night we expanded the whelping box. The bumper sides (roll bars) were taken off and the four foot sides were replaced with eight foot sections. A litter box filled with paper pellets has been placed in the corner. It is a little bit early for the litter box since Boston is still cleaning up after them, but I expect mid week they will begin to use it. That will be about the time we start them on whole food which will be soaked puppy crunches. Meantime the camera has been adjusted but we haven't yet found the perfect angle. We may need to build a shelf to put it on, so be patient. Your view may be partial for a couple of days but we will try to make it so you can see most of the box. The pups are also venturing outdoors and into the living room for socialization visits. If you tune in and don't see puppies, they are probably just having fun and will be back shortly.
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