Ready to Play in PA
We are busy getting ready to play in Pennsylvania at the Samoyed Club of America national specialty. There is lots to do including bathing dogs, cleaning out the car and packing it, preparing instructions for the dogs staying home, organizing work etc etc. There is even some last minute training to try to keep things fresh in Boston's mind. Tomorrow I work and then we leave in the early evening. Mike will be home packing up the car and getting everything ready. We'll head for Ohio Monday night and then plan to be in PA early Tuesday afternoon. I'll be taking lots of pictures and will post results for all to see as I get them.
The national is always a lot of fun but this year I am especially looking forward to meeting Judy and Bill and introducing Treasure to her dad Sniper. It is the gathering of the clan so to speak. Samoyed lovers will come in from all over the country and indeed the world for our annual family get together!
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