CERF is the Canine Eye Research Foundation. In the Samoyed breed of dog, there are many different eye diseases that can impact the life of a dog in a negative way. Because of that it is important that all breeding stock have their eyes examined by an opthomologist once per year. Results are sent in to the CERF database and then CERF sends the information on to the OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) where it is added to the data base of health clearances for the dog.
Since Korbel will be bred in the next six months and because Treasure is going to be bred in the future, both went down to Kalamazoo with me on Saturday for their exams. It was Treasure's first time having the doctor look into her big brown eyes with the lights. She thought it was a lot of fun and wagged her tail the whole time! Dr. Ramsey got kissed too. Both Treasure and Korbel passed with flying colors. Korbel has now attained CHIC status which is the Canine Health Information Center. Parent clubs ( the SCA in her case) set up health testing minimums for CHIC status which is beyond their code of ethics requirements. These standards are the highest for breeders and not all breeders go to the considerable expense and time to get all of the tests. Korbel has passed all of her tests plus has her elbows cleared. Now she is good to go for when we breed her later this year or early 08.
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