The Walmart Special

Last week when we went to the International Kennel Club show in Chicago, we experienced every dog show fanatic's worst nightmare. When we pulled into the hotel parking lot and opened the back of the car we discovered that we didn't have our show clothes with us! Yup, they were at home in the spare room where we had laid them out in preparation for the trip. What to do?
Being the true blue dog show people that we are, we knew there is always an answer. We set off on a search for an all night Walmart outside the city....and by 2:00 a.m. we had found one. By 3:00 a.m. we were pulling back in to the parking lot of the hotel with our new Walmart outfits in the bag. It was 4:00 a.m. before we had dogs walked and hit the pillows. My first Rally class was at 8:00 a.m. Needless to say I didn't make it. I did make the second Rally class but both Boston and I were too exhausted to pull off anything but a Q. Pomeranian judging started at 10:15 and Mike was ready but not too enthusiastic. This judge had NEVER put him up. I think he had never even won a class under her. But then he had never showed Chance to her either. You should have seen the look on his face when she pointed to him. His jaw just dropped. "Me?" he said. She had to tell him three times before he believed her and walked over to the winners stand. Outside the ring we were just whooping and hollering! Way to go Mike and Chance. Here he is with the judge and Chance in his new Walmart special outfit. Not bad for an all night clothing run, eh?
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