There is perhaps no department store in the world more famous than Harrods. We visited twice. The first time on Monday and then again Friday. Just about anything you would want to buy is available at Harrod's. In the children's department we found stuffed toys the likes of which we had never seen before. I got up close and personal with a stuffed polar bear. Near by was an elephant that flapped his ears and was bigger than the polar bear! We

saw luxury furniture including a table for sale for $60,000. and antique rugs valued at over $20,000. or if that didn't suit you there were mammouth tusks for about about the same price. Of course no trip to Harrod's would be complete without stopping at the chocolate bar. Here huge vats of chocolate are piped overhead into the bar where you can sit and sip on pure chocolate! Mike and I chose pure melted warm chocolate. He had sweet (milk chocolate) and I had semi-sweet. It came in little cups and we ate it with spoon straws. If you want regular hot chocolate they have at least a half dozen types. We spent a few hours

touring. Highlights were live figure skaters in the display window and a visit to the memorial for Princess Diana and Dodi complete

with wishing fountain, guest book, the champagne glasses from their last dinner together and the ring that he had bought for her.
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