I think we walked more on the second day in London than any other day! We didn't yet have tube passes and weren't really ready to trust ourselves that much so we walked most of the day. First stop was Liester Square for the TKTS office for discounted theatre tickets. Unfortunately the one show we really did want to see was The Producers and it was only 25% off, (rather than the usual 50%) but we decided to see it anyway and bought tickets in the second row. Once we had our tickets in hand we walked over to the Big Bus route and hopped aboard the bus until it stopped at the Tower of London. There we were able to catch a ride down the Thames on the City Cruise boat. I caught a few nice pictures of Tower Bridge from the river! At the end of our

boat trip which lasted 30 minutes we caught another bus up to Hyde Park and then walked up to Madame Tussaud's wax museum. The wax statues are absolutely amazing and incredibly life like. What I loved about this experience was that there is nothing between you and the images. You can walk up to the and touch them and they are scattered about just as if they were in a crowd of people. I got to sit with George Cloony and Mike got to exchange a few words with John Wayne! The funniest part was that a few times I thought someone was taking a picture of a figure and it would turn out to be another wax figure posed as a photographer! Those I particularly enjoyed were Princess

Diana , Napoleon, the fab five and Churchill. I think the thing that impressed me was that standing there so close to them they looked just like ordinary people like you or me and I marveled at what set them apart was simply the personality or character under the flesh. We also enjoyed the planetarium show and the house of horrors depicting capital punishment with both wax and real actors. After the museum we bought tube passes and took the tube for the first time back to the bed and breakfast where we changed before heading out to see The Producers. The show was marvelous and just fun entertainment! It was Mike's first big time theatrical show so it was a special treat. We took the tube home just like regular Londoners and were absolutely exhausted at days end!
What a beautiful picture of you! I just read all of your London blog and the pictures and comments are excellent. I felt quite as if I was along for the ride with you. I'm so glad you and Mike were able to do London, something I hope to do in the future. My forays in the past were very quick, too fast to really enjoy.
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