Boston Adds Another One

I had to go to Jackson County on Friday to judge a 4-H dog show, so decided to take Boston with me and stay over in Marshall to enter the rally trial there at the AKC show. We were scheduled to be in the ring at 8:00 a.m. but there were some snafus with the judges course, so it got delayed. He had set out a course that was not acceptable by AKC standards. I noticed and told him, and he told me I was wrong, but 15 minutes later the AKC rep came over and told him he had to change it, so we all had to wait while he changed the course. I don't know how the AKC rep found out since I didn't tell him, but apparently someone must have...or possibly he noticed it himself since he was there to observe and the judge was provisional. I only knew because I have been designing courses for a future judging assignment of my own. Anyway after a LONG wait we managed to get in the ring at about 9:30 a.m. It wasn't pretty but Boston qualified and earned her new title of Rally Advanced. Now RA will replace the RN after her name. Next step is the Excellent class. Our next rally trial will be in Idaho at the SCA national Specialty, but I am not convinced I should move her up to Excellent there especially since we will be showing on the grass outside and since I am also going to do Graduate Novice Obedience with her. Two new challenges might be a bit much when you add that to the challenge of an outdoor trial! I am proud of her though. She works her heart out for me and never complains...well almost never. Here is the beautiful rosette they gave her for completing a new title.
Good for you, Boston!
Sarah got lots of compliments and attention when we were camping this weekend. :)
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