
Puppy prep happens the week before the puppies are due. We believe it is very important that puppies are born into a safe, clean and tranquil environment. Therefor with Boston's puppies due in about a week, this entire weekend will go to preparations. Our "dog room" which is where dogs sleep, and are groomed, is undergoing a transformation to become the whelping area. The room has a tile floor and vinyl coated wainscoting on the lower walls which is designed for ease of cleaning. First order of the day is to remove everything from the room. Next we clean all surfaces and even bleach the floor. Next a layer of vinyl flooring will go where the whelping box will lay and then later today Mike will get the box out of storage and assemble it. Book cases make a wall dividing the room in half for more privacy for Boston. Stay tuned for more pictures later in the weekend.
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