Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Holly's 13th Point!

Last week up at the Traverse City shows Holly took her 13th point. She has both majors and only needs two singles to finish. We hope to get her finished this year so we can breed her again. She is such a lovely rich red color which is hard to find these days in Pomeranians.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Yard Helpers

Korbel has been helping Mike with the sprinkler system. It seems she loves to eat plastic and can't resist those silly things that pop up out of the ground! Check out what she looked like as she finished up her latest work in the yard!

Tuesdays at the Wells house

On Tuesday's Mike works at the Georgetown pharmacy from9 to 9, so he doesn't get home until 10 p.m. at the earliest. I got home and found Holly is in season. Kodi is riding her around the kitchen. So one more to add to the list. Right now Little Red, Sassy, Korbel and Holly are all in season. Fun times. We spend most of our waking hours (or so it seems) managing the dogs and trying to keep Digger quiet!

June 26, 2005

We had a fun weekend. There was a cat show in Grand Rapids and Mike and I visited the show to check out the cats. Look at this beautiful Maine Coon cat that we met! It is difficult to see how big he is, but I estimate he weighs in at about 20 lbs. And there is not an ounce of fat on him!