Monday, June 29, 2009

First Show Picture

Phantom got his first show picture taken when he went Best of Breed and Puppy Group 3 at the Grand Traverse Kennel Club show. What a cutie!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Future Pro?

It sure is fun to watch Eric show dogs! Today at the S.A.M.D. match he showed a beautiful Samoyed in junior showmanship and then went on to take a Group 1 with our little Pom Treat.
Doesn't he look like a professional handler?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Glorious Weekend

We spent a sun drenched weekend in Traverse City with our friends the Moerlands, enjoying an AKC dog show event. Boston brought home her 4th RAE leg with a 2nd in Excellent and a 1st in Advanced. Phantom was Best of Breed Samoyed and Puppy Working Group 3rd for his first championship point. Treasure was Winners Bitch for a point also. Phantom's sister Maya was Best of Breed on Sunday for her first point with junior handler Jessica showing her in the classes and in group. What a treat to see one of Korbel and Austin's babies in the group ring with such a young handler. Both Eric and Jessica also had success in the junior showmanship ring. We walked the beach at Mission Point, ate out with good friends and thoroughly enjoyed two days along Michigan's gold coast.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Free at Last

Later we took Alison back to one of the most beautiful places in the world. Along the coast of Maine, her mother released Alison's spirit into the wind so her heart could wing it's way to heaven.

A Sweet Farewell

We gathered in a beautiful spot where Alison had often listened to classical guitar concerts to say farewell to our sister, daughter, aunt, and friend. The service included music, art, and poems she had loved. The only thing missing said the minister was a cat. A drawing of her beloved cat Matisse graced the back of the program. We were blessed with the perfection of a sun drenched day.