Friday, September 29, 2006

An Essay In Pictures

Since only pictures can begin to share the beauty of what we saw as we made it across the country, I have begun to collect some of my favorites and put them into slide shows. For those of you interested in the SCA 2006 national specialty, those pictures will come later. This first set are ones taken on the way out from Michigan. Many of them are taken in and around Portland Oregon where we were blessed to be able to visit with our friends Sandra and Paul. A huge heartfelt thank you to them for sharing the beauty of the area. We miss you both very much and will treasure memories of this trip forever. If you like white dogs and appreciate the beauty of nature, you might enjoy these simple pictures of friends getting together and enjoying life.
It is a large (4.4 ) PowerPoint show which should open if you use Windows Explorer.

Top Ten Things We Learned

On our adventure out west we learned many things. Here are a few of the ones that really struck us along the way!

1) There are more beef cattle than people in some states.
2) It is possible that there are more sheep than beef in Montana.
3) The funny looking cattle are antelopes.
4) Rest stops in western Montana only have outhouses, no plumbing!
5) Trains are alive and well in our country. We saw countless ones and some of them are double deckers!
6) It is very windy in South Dakota
7) When you think it has started raining, check again it might only be bugs hitting the windshield.
8) In Wyoming you can buy steak for dinner and be served 44 ounces on one plate!
9) The best waterfalls are off the road a bit....and involve a one mile hike straight up.
10) A 9% grade is very steep, you really should slow down like the sign says.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Almost home

It is Monday night and we are in St. Cloud Minnesota. Tomorrow we will drive to Milwaukee and take the 7 o'clock ferry over to Michigan. I am looking forward to getting home! I'm going to post some reflections on our trip when I get home, but in the mean time here is a picture of me and Dasher in the open class. Dasher was 2nd in that class.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Award of Merits

Ten dogs were awarded the coveted AOM this year. They were:
Ch. White Magic's Rock Star (dog)
Ch. Cot'N Pic'N Snowater Rocks (dog)
Ch. Rexann's Blazin Jaylin (dog)
Ch. Rexann's Ringmaster (dog)
Ch. Sunkaska's Iron Man (dog)
Ch. Polar Mist Nauti Lil Goldig'r (bitch)
Ch. d'Keta's Opposite Onyx (bitch)
Ch. Azteca's Lil Red Neck Girl (bitch)

On the Road Again

We packed up the car as soon as Best of Breed was completed and drove into the mountains of Idaho and beyond to Montana. Tonight we are staying in Missoula. The mountains were breathtaking but I am glad to be settled in for the night. More later.

Best of Breed

Today was just beautiful in Post Falls Idaho! Jeanne Nonhof judged Best of Breed and was very organized and decisive . In the end she selected Ch. Echo's Perfectly Clear AKA Dasani as her Best of Breed. It was the 2nd year in a row for Dasani, some thing which hasn't happened in decades! Congratulations to Linda Kitzman on a well deserved win. Best Opposite Sex was Ch. Braveheart's Jeremiah Johnson. Best of Winners was the Winners Dog.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Tonight's auction was fun as it always is. The baskets comprised a major part of the auction this year. Our Michigan basket was voted "Who'd have thought?" and went for $250. The reserve best basket was Minnesota which went for ....hmmm I think $650. and it was a canoe with Samoyeds on it and had many Samoyed items in it. The Colorado basket which won best basket went for $1,700. or so. Their basket contained several Scott Kennedy and Darlene Wilson prints, a real dog sled and 5 days and 4 nights in a condominium. I tried to get the beautiful blue coat with fur trim and Samoyeds on it, but it went a bet too high...$375. I should have gone a bit higher, but just didn't. Oh well there is always next year!

Friday, September 22, 2006

SCA 2006 Bitches

What a beautiful day it turned out to be. After a very cold start the sun came out, the eagle soared in and the white dogs sparkled. Now this is what I had expected in terms of weather. Our bitch judge was Karen McFarlane. Congratulations to all the winners. Here are her choices:

6- 9 month puppy
1) Polar Mist-N-Mishka's Nikita
2) Trilogy's Ooh La La
3) Moonshadows Show Girl
4) Polar Mist Behavin at Kondako

9 - 12 month puppy
1) Sunkaska's It Had to Be you
2) Holly's Ziva
3) Snowdragon Sila
4) Cold Mountains White Oleander

12 - 18 month bitches
1) Snowater's Gifted Satinka
2) Mystiwind N Sasille Star Jasmine
3) Mithril N'KWay Colors of T'Wind
4) Rosea's Ms Phoebe Show O'Karital

Novice Bitch
1) Samarka's Sweet Charity

Bred By Exhibitor Bitch
1) Crosmar-Rexann Emerald Isle Danika
2) Erebor's Wind Spirit
3) Starlites Taking Her Out Fur A Spin
4) Kenosha's Champagne Powder

American Bred Bitches
1) Saratoga's For Spacious Skys
2) Wolf River Megan
3) Fireclouds' Maiden Heaven
4) Polar Mist Retro Girl

Open Bitches
1) Krystall's Danc'N Sunkaska
2) Polar Mist Chasing Rainbows
3) Misty Mountain's Mauna Kea
4) Polar Mist Sharper Image HT

Winners Bitch - Crossmar-Rexann Emerald Isle Danika
Reserve Bitch - Polar Mist-N-Mishka's Nikita

Soaring Eagle

Today our national specialty of the big white dogs was blessed with the noble American Bald Eagle. Yes, a Bald Eagle soared over our ring, coming down to view the white dogs and then taking the updraft in long slow circles up and up and up until he disappeared from view. It was just breathtaking. Many of us found ourselves more interested in the eagle than the dogs in the ring. What a special experience. Those ten minutes or so of watching that elegant creature made my trip!!!

In the Ring

I thought this was a very nice action shot taken of me and Blizzard.

Michigan Basket

One of the unique things about this national is the auction baskets which have been contributed by the states, regions and countries. I believe there are 34 baskets on display. Some baskets are being sold via silent auction. There was voting held and the top 10 baskets are going to the big auction on Friday night. We don't know the results of the balloting yet, but so far the Michigan basket is still in the running for being included in the Friday night festivities. Quite a few baskets have already been sold. Some of them are incredible and even come with value added such as a trip to Colorado or live Maine lobsters which will be flown to your home. States also used some creative definitions of "basket", for instance Minnesota has a canoe with Samoyeds painted on it and Wisconsin used a dog crate. Our Michigan basket is a wooden box lined with a dog blanket. Here is a picture.

SCA 2006 Males

I had a fun time yesterday! I showed a boy named Dasher in the Open dog class. I had not met Dasher before yesterday so had no idea how he would do. He hasn't been shown much at all, but sure can move. Well to my delight we ended up going 2nd in the Open class. That was a thrill!!
Here are class results from yesterday. Congratulations to all the winners. There were some beautiful boys out there.

6 - 9 month puppy dog
1) Holly's Sabre Jet
2) Moonshadows Adonis
3) Gandale's Born A Fire Dog
4) Polar Mist Seadog of Shali-Kon

9-12 month puppy dog
1) White Magic's Legerdemain
2) Bruin's American Frontier
3) Cascade's Tatoosh
4) K-Way Dreamchaser TNT

12 - 18 month dog
1) Mt Aukum's Antonio Banderas
2) Trailblazer's Spirit of Life
3) Starlite's Seems Like Dejavu
4) Mithril's Aero Flyer

Bred By Exhibitor
1) Celticfrost All Tuckered Out
2) Saratoga's Red White and Blue
3) Sanorka's Stutz Bearcat
4) Seadog's Smuggler's Cove

American Dog
1) Polar Mist Jazz of Snowtroup
2) SFX Diamond Rio
3) Firecloud's Buzz Lightyear
4) Cascade's Quest for Gold

Open Dog
1) Mystiwind's IJ of Sassillie
2) Cold Smoke's Diamond Dash
3) Mithril's Sylvan Dreamweaver
4) Windy Ridge Aspen Flaherty Hays

Winners Dog - Celticfrost All Tuckered Out
Reserve Dog - Saratoga's Red White and Blue

Working Dog
1) Ch. Tundra Winds' Storm Over Salish
2) Ch. Wolf Rivers Thunder Cloud
3) Sylvan's Long Distance Travel
4) Ch. Kriskella's Cappa Chino Gold

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Boston In Obedience and Rally Today

Boston was 2nd in Graduate Novice Obedience today and 4th in Advanced Rally B. She won a new toy and two silver medallions. I plan to make one into a necklace. I was so proud of how she worked even in the windy weather and on grass.

Sweepstakes Results

Today was a little bit warmer but a stiff breeze kept most of us bundled up. Puppy sweeps finished up after lunch and right now veterans is going on. Here is this morning's results.
6 - 9 puppy dog:
1) Seadog's Smuggler's Cove
2) Moonshados Adonis
3) Holly's Sabre Jet
4) Mystery's Tihillah Theos
9-12 puppy dog:
1) Bruin's American Frontier
2) KWay Dreamchaser TNT Snowquestor
3) While Magic's Legerdemain
4) Mt. Aukum's Antonia Banderas
12 - 15 junior dog:
1) Ceticfrost All Tuckerd Out
2) Mystiwind's Precious Huck Finn
3) Starlite's Seems Like Dejavu
4) Trailblazer's Spirit of Life
15 - 18 junior dog:
1) Ch. Elfenbein Mini Cooper
2) Ch. Rossea's Texas Rocket O Cedar Ridge
3) Mithril's Aero Flyer
4) Moonfires' Chopper Jack

6-9 puppy bitches:
1) Polar Mist Blue Star
2) Polar Mist Good Time Girl
3) Trilogy's Ooh La La
4) Moonshadow's Show Girl
9- 12 puppy bitches:
1) Snowdragon Sila
2) Sunkaska's It Had To Be You
3) White Spirit's Kaya
4) Crosmar-Rexann Emerald Isle Danika
12 - 15 junior bitches:
1) Mistiwind N Sasille Star Jasmine
2) Mystiwind's Fresh Powder
3) Trailblazer's Hanky Panky
4) Starlites Taking Her Out Fur A Spin
15 - 18 junior bitches:
1) White Magic's Piece of My Heart
2) Snowater's Gifted Satinka
3) Sunfire's Nordic Star
4) Fireclouds' Devil In the Deep Blu C

Best in Sweeps: Polar Mist Blue Star
Best Opposite in Sweeps: Bruin's American Frontier

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Torrey Gets Her Pictures Taken

Here is Torrey getting her pictures taken. Doesn't she look pretty? Out of coat, but still gorgeous.

Futurity Results

We showed in the very cold rain today. I took three different dogs in the ring. The one that worked like a dream didn't place...the other two that were a little bad....placed. Puppies are so much fun to show! Congratulations to all the winners!
Anyway, here are todays results for you.
6-9 month dog:
1) Moonshadow's Adonis
2) Seadogs Smugglers Cove
3) Chelestina's Winter Storm
4) Polar Mist Seadog of Shali-kon
9-12 puppy dog:
1) Polar Mist Good Ol'Country Boy
2) Ch. Mistiwind's Heir Apparent
12 - 15 junior dog
1) Celticfrost All Tuckered Out
2) Mystiwinds't Precious Huck Finn
15- 18 junior dog:
1) Mithril's Aero Flyer
2) Ch. Elfenbein Mini Coopers
3) Moonfire's Chopper Jack

6 - 9 puppy bitch:
1) Polar Mist Blue Star
2) Polar Mist N Mishka' Nikita
3) Vanderbilt's Rock On Play On
4) Polar Mist Behavin At Kondako
9-12 puppy bitch:
1) Crossmar-Rexann Emerald Isle Danika
2) Sunkaska's It Had to Be You
3) Ch. Chatanika's White Prairie Orchid
4) Lil Paws Symphony's Mia
12 - 15 junior bitches
1) Moonlighters Got Metak'n
2) Mystiwind's Fresh Powder
3) Starlites' Takin Her Out Fur A Spin
4) Mistiwind N Sasillie Star Jasmine
15 - 18 junior bitches
1) Firecloud's Devil'N In The Deep Blu C
2) Mithril N'KWay Colors of the Wind
3) Sunfire's Nordic Star

Grand Futurity Winner - Polar Mist Blue Star
Best Junior - Celticfrost All Tuckered Out

Monday, September 18, 2006

Water Falls

Mike and I hiked up to several waterfalls with Rory (left) and Boston (right). We had a blast. Here we are at one of our favorites.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Visit to Portland

We drove down to Portland Oregon on Saturday to visit with our friends Sandra and Paul. Today we spent the day going to gorgeous waterfalls and hiking into some of the gorges. One waterfall was a one mile trek back from the road...going up and up and up! The path was only about two feet wide and the drop off on the side went down hundreds of feet. What a breathtaking view it was. The dogs loved the hike and we took lots of pictures. We finished up the day by visiting the fish ladders and watching the salmon run. Then stopped by the hatchery to see the next generatio. It is so beautiful here I hate to leave, but tomorrow morning we pack up the car and head back to Post Falls.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Greetings from Post Falls

We made it all the way to Post Falls Idaho today. This is the town where the SCA National will be held next week. We are staying over here tonight and will go to Portland Oregon tomorrow to visit with our dear friends Sandra and Paul Bergamo. We will be back in Post Falls Monday to begin grooming dogs and getting ready for the specialty. The trip today was hard because we ran into a lot of rain. At one point coming through the mountains of Montana we had to stop on the highway because major electric lines going over the highway were arching which cause traffic to back up for a long way. Temperatures yesterday in South Dakota hit the high 90s, but most of today while traveling through Wyoming and Montana they were about 45! The scenery has been gorgeous. We hope to upload some pictures tomorrow.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Made it into Wyoming

Today we crossed South Dakota and did most of the corner of Wyoming. We stopped at the Corn Palace, but didn't go inside. It looked a bit corny, so we took pictures and continued on. A while later we had to stop due to a huge wind storm which almost took our crates off the top of the car. We discovered the crates were caked with bugs! Ugh! A quick purchase of more straps and some adjustment and we were on the way to Wall. There we visited the famous drug store and Mike got to sign the guest book kept only for pharmacists who visit. After Wall we pressed on to the Black Hills and Mt. Rushmore. It was gorgeous! Truly a trip worth making. Later we wound through the mountains and into Wyoming. Saw antelope crossing and as the sun set a thunder storm rolled in. We stopped in Gillette and treated ourselves to our only real meal of the day.. steak at a local place. Tomorrow is a LONG day as we try to make it into Washington State. We don't have any stops planned so may be able to make it. Pictures will be posted later. So far the dogs are hanging in there and have been patient with all the driving. Only Rory complains once in a while. A very long trip for a puppy! Thank goodness for peanut butter.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

SCA National Silver Dreams Here We Come

We left early this morning and took the Lake Express Ferry from Musgkegon Michigan to Milwaukee Wisconsin. It was a rough trip going over, with lots of people spending much of their time in the restroom. Fortunately we were fine, and only one dog got sea sick. We drove through Wisconsin, Minnesota and tonight have stopped in Sioux Falls South Dakota. We hope to get to Mt. Rushmore tomorrow. Check back for pictures. I am really excited about tomorrow as we enter the Bad Lands.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Dutch Shoes

Here are the Dutch wooden shoes that I am decoupaging for the SCA National Specialty auction. They are almost done. I just need to finish up with the top coat for sealing. Gosh I hate to give them up!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Breakfast Time!

I am collecting items to put into a basket representing Michigan which will be auctioned off at the Samoyed Club of America national specialty dog show. Samoyed lovers from across Michigan are donating a variety of items which I will be sharing over the next week. Robin and Jill Clark donated this box of Kellogg's Frosted Flakes. It was custom made and is nicely protected by an outer clear box. Just too GREAT to eat!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

I Labor While Mike Camps on Labor Day

Here it is Labor Day weekend. Since 1992 I have been going to the UP for Labor Day weekend and have only missed a couple of years. This year I am home working (laboring) on my dissertation. Mike is off camping at a dog show in Chelsea with his brother Ed. They have 12 dogs with them. I'm home with six dogs since we have one here to be bred to Tattoo. He (Tattoo) got lucky today. Mike was lucky too...he had Winners Dog and Winners Bitch!!! Chance got his third point and Creme got her first point. Way to go guys! Congratulations. Now back to the books for me.