Very Rally Day
I took a little time off of working on my dissertation to attend a rally trial in Kalamazoo today with both Alaska and Boston. Alaska was going for his second leg of Novice and Boston for her first leg in Advanced. We drove down Thursday night because Alaska was in the ring a few minutes after 9 a.m. He turned in a very nice performance and got his second leg. I was very proud of his quick sits and attentive heeling. Boston and I then had to wait around until almost 1:00 p.m. for her turn. I was bit concnered because she got nervous when we first entered the ring. Some dogs ringside had gotten into a spat and she didn't like the growling. But she settled down the moment we started working and got a very nice 97! I called Mike to tell him we were sitting on 4th place but said "But of course there are a lot of dogs to go yet so it is fun to sit on the 4th for a little while". I hung up and went back inside to mark my catalog and found everyone was going in for ribbons. Yikes! I ran back to the car, grabbed Boston and made it to the ring just as she handed out the first place ribbon. Imagine my surprise when she got to 4th place and she called out Boston's number! I didn't even have my armband on so I wasn't sure at first if it was us. "Oh my that is me!" I explaimed and I ran over into the 4th place spot where the judge handed us a nice rosette and a coffee mug along with our qualifying ribbon. Way to go Boston, I am so proud of you!!! Mike doesn't even know yet. The ribbon is sitting on the kitchen counter. Let's see how long it takes for him to notice.