A number of years ago in the month of June, my father broke his neck. I flew out to see him on 4th of July weekend. When I walked into the hospital room, I said, "How are you doing?" He didn't miss a beat and quipped, "Better than Superman". Of course he was referring to Christopher Reeves. Christopher Reeves will always be Superman for me just like for many others, so I was not sure I wanted to go see Superman Returns. However after reading the reviews Mike and I decided for once to go see a movie right away. We went last night. It was quite beautiful. The new Superman isn't quite Christopher Reeves, but the film does hold it's own and is a credit to all involved. I agree with some critics who say that it is a bit heavy on the Christ allegory but that aside I did enjoy it. Mike and I both stayed to watch the credits and we were glad we did, because if you do you will see the film is dedicated to Christopher and Dana Reeves. I got a tear in my eye when I read that. In a way I was glad they didn't release it until they were both gone. Enough said. Superman is always around. Go see him, just don't expect to see the same Superman.
P.S. There are Pomeranians in many scenes!!