In my heart I am a New Englander

The latest at Solid Gold Samoyeds and DreamWeaver Pomeranians on the shores of Lake Michigan
....groom if I want to. Yessireee! One of my favorite things to do on my birthday is to groom my Samoyeds. Poms don't count....just Samoyeds on this day. So Boston, Korbel and Treasure each got their nails clipped, feet trimmed and a complete brush out! Treasure kicked me with her back foot while I was working on it. Treasure your kick is nothing compared to your great grandpa who once got me directly in the eye with a big huge dirty paw while I was grooming him! So there! I'm not sure they think this is a good way to celebrate but at least they each got a treat. They look so beautiful now in the back yard playing in the snow.