Monday, September 26, 2005

Study Break

With all this studying for my doctorate comprehensive exams I need some distractions. Since the dogs are getting wilder and wilder as the temprature drops, we decided it was time to get the rig out and begin training and conditioning. Here are Boston and Korbel on the first training session of the year. Boston has been in harness before and understood the concept of pulling, but Korbel didn't have a clue. She trotted along not pulling and leaving it all up to her first. THEN it seemed something clicked inside her head and she had an "ah ha" moment. In education we call it a "teachable moment". She leaned into the harness and began to pull harder and faster. It was if generations of sled dog genes suddenly kicked in and she got it! Yes she will need a lot of training to understand the rules, but she does know how to pull!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Show pictures

Just got our show shots back from the photographer. Here is DreamWeavers First Light "Dawn" known affectionately as Chunky Monkey at her very first dog show. She is called Chunky Monkey because she acts a lot like a monkey. Very animated, rakes the ground, talks to everyone, climbs, jumps and pretty much does everything her own way. Fortunately our judge Joe Gregory was apparently charmed by her and he forgave her climbing up his pant legs awarding her her first point!

Holly on the other hand worked like a pro. She may not be as animated, but some of the serious judges appreciate her qualities nonetheless. Holly has a gorgeous coat with a deep rich color that fits her name of Holly Berry. This Christmas girl is now a champion which she thinks is just dandy. She can now stay home and sit on the sofa while other dogs go off to the shows.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Lake Michigan

At the end of our weekend we packed up the dogs and headed home. First we stopped at our favorite beach on northern Lake Michigan for a stroll with Digger, Tattoo and Boston as the sun was setting. We made it to the bridge in time to eat a pasty and then headed for Boyne City where we camped on the edge of Lake Charlevoix. We got up late and drove to Charlevoix for brunch followed by a walk through down town Charlevoix. Just a wonderful weekend!

Labor Day Weekend Fun

Mike and I headed to the UP for Labor Day weekend and had a wonderful time. We hauled our camper up to Marquette on Thursday and got in about midnight. We showed for three days and visited with friends. Highlights included wonderful dinners with our friends Kim Katanik, Pat Backhouse, and Cindy and Marshall Rokos. We built a huge fire and made smores Saturday night. Showing went very well indeed. On Friday I showed our little "Chunky Monkey" aka Dawn in her very first dog show and she was Winners Bitch for her first point. The next day Holly was Winners Bitch for one point and then Sunday Holly won again and finished her championship! What a wonderful weekend. Then not to be outdone by the Poms, Boston got the first leg on her CD obedience title with a placement (4th) in Novice B! I was thrilled!