The latest at Solid Gold Samoyeds and DreamWeaver Pomeranians on the shores of Lake Michigan
Yesterday the puppies had fun tearing up the vinyl flooring in their box. Bad puppies! We had put the vinyl flooring down over our tile floor because it is easier to clean and because we wanted a darker background for the web cam. Cleaning didn't turn out to be a big issue since the puppies started using the litter box faithfully at 4 1/2 weeks but the contrast for the camera was nice. I tried taping the vinyl floor back with duct tape. That lasted ten minutes! So last night the webcam was out in the kitchen and living room and I hope you enjoyed the antics. The puppies spent the night in a crate for the first time and were GOOD puppies. They held all night long and didn't have one accident in the crate! In the morning they all went outside and did their business as nice as you please just like big dogs. This morning we interrupted broadcasting long enough to tear out the vinyl. Your view on the webcam is now a bit different but with only a few days to go it was the only choice. Sunday, two puppies go home with their new families and Boston's Babies will close down until next time.