The Rainbow

The latest at Solid Gold Samoyeds and DreamWeaver Pomeranians on the shores of Lake Michigan
And the winner is..... Green Girl! She was the first one to use the litter box with some degree of purposefulness and confidence. Way to go Green. Purple Boy followed up by starting to use the box, but didn't realize he had more in there (guess he isn't quite in tune with his rear yet) and he finished up on the floor next to the box. The others...well I'm happy if they get the right end of the whelping area! They still play in the box and scatter the litter around, but I do have hope that by the weekend they will all be using it faithfully.
In the early hours of the morning Korbel woke me up to tell me she had a problem. I thought she was interested in an early morning bathroom break, but apparently she had other concerns. I let her out and turned around to find red boy walking out of the room behind her. I scooped him up and put him back in the box. I stood there counting puppies trying to make out their shapes in the early morning darkness. Hmmmm didn't look right. I turned around and found another escapee coming toward me. O.K. feller, back to the box. Then I found another one sleeping in the corner. Good grief! Korbel seemed pleased that her brood was all back under containment. The puppies were now awake and clamoring for some chow so I went to the kitchen and cooked up breakfast. Sometimes I feel like the maid.
I have been terribly remiss in my posting pupdates! Right now I should be posting pictures on the blog (like I promised almost two weeks ago) but the camera is somewhere outside in my car. Somewhere is the operative word. I had it at a show this weekend but since then have half unpacked the car only to repack it again with my office boxes in preparation for moving tomorrow. We've had at least six inches of snow today and yesterday and the garage isn't yet cleaned out enough to bring my car in.