On Thursday during the torrential rain, Mike called me on his way to work to tell me he saw two little dogs running down 144th. He tried to catch them but ended up having to go to work without success. I immediately grabbed some liver treats and drove down to where he had seen them. I only found one, and she was soaked, scared and not about to let me catch her. I flagged down a passerby and she told me to hop in the car and we drove down the street after the little one who was now trotting right down the middle of the road. To our amazement when the driver opened her car door and offered the treat, the little wet dog jumped into the car. I brought her back home, warmed her up and dried her off. Now we are posting signs all over, have an announcement on local radio and are trying to reunite her with her family. She is a sweet heart and you would never know she was around! Snuggles in my lap or in a dog bed most of the time.