Two week pictures

The latest at Solid Gold Samoyeds and DreamWeaver Pomeranians on the shores of Lake Michigan
The puppies are getting huge. They are already 2 lbs each. Red girls eyes opened today, which is the earliest I have ever seen a puppy open it's eyes. They are only 9 days old.
Sorry but all of Camstreams is currently off line. We don't know why but hopefully it will be back up soon. We will post when we see it on again. BACK UP AS OF 1:30 P.M. EST Please remember to close your window. We are seeing double addresses sometimes which means that someone has two windows open.
You can view the live podcast of Boston's Babies in the whelping box on your home computer. We recently upped the number that can watch at once to 15, however we have had over 3,300 hits since we started broadcasting six days ago. Please be sure to close your browser when you are done watching so someone else can connect.
The puppies are growing fast! All three of them have already increased body weight by 50% since Tuesday. That is amazing to me since I don't think I have ever seen such fast growth. I guess Boston must be serving buttermilk. This morning they had their dew claws removed at the vet's office and it took less than 5 minutes to do all three puppies. Boston and I went out for a walk while they did it since she was a bit nervous. When we got home and I put them back in the whelping box, she checked them over then went back to the carrier they had been in and sniffed it well presumably to make sure no one had been left behind. Once satisfied that she had all three, she settled right down to giving them their morning bath. All is well in puppy land.
At last!
No news yet. Boston has spent the day just panting and looking a bit uncomfortable. I did take her for a walk and she enjoyed herself, but she just doesn't seem ready to bring those puppies into the world. Her temperature is still low, but not as low as I would expect right before puppies come. Maybe she is waiting for the camera to get started. Seems our booster cables are still at the Federal Express building where they have been since Saturday. Fed Ex says, "Sorry won't deliver until Tuesday mid day". So the webcam won't show any puppies until at least tomorrow since the camera cord doesn't reach into the whelping room. These special booster cables can't be purchased around here (we tried). That's all for now.
We finally have a web cam up and running. A special thank you to my brother Andrew who lives in Massachusetts. We had worked on getting the web cam up for two days and were completely frustrated. Then a call to my brother and he walked us through it and in 20 minutes we had lift off! There is nothing to see just yet, but when the puppies come we should have it aimed at the box. In the mean time you can check out the page and bookmark it. All you see right now is my home office. Once in a while a dog walks by or a person or cat comes into the room. To find it go to:
Starting tonight we will take Boston's temperature once per day. A temperature drop means labor should begin within 12 hours. Each day I will add the temperature to this section of the blog. As we get closer we will take her temp more often. It doesn't always happen, but this is a pretty good way to know when the time is coming. Usually the drop in temperature is one where it goes down at least 3 degrees and stays there. At that point labor should commence within a few hours.
It's raining in Michigan. No I take that back. It is pouring! I have to be in East Lansing on campus all day today and Mike works the late shift at the pharmacy. Normally that isn't a problem, BUT with two pregnant dogs...we need to make sure they are outside as much as possible since they have well.....pressure on their bladders. The plan was to let them stay outside all morning until Mike had to leave for work and then his parents will let them out at dinner time and feed Boston (aka the bottomless pit) I won't be back until 8 p.m. Well now it is raining cats and dogs and there will be limited outdoor time before we have to leave. Nuts! Not only will our house be a mud pit with all the wet paws, but now we will have stressed dogs from not getting out. Well into every life a little rain must fall. I guess the grass will just need to be mowed again and Boston will have to manage!
Boston is expanding around the middle. She sleeps a bit more, is less active on walks, but still wants to chase rabbits. The Baked Bean gal often rests at the top of the dens she has made and if Korbel walks by she gives a warning bark to tell her to stay away. Poor Korbel has no one to play with. In fact this morning she jumped the fence and went down below to the Pom yard to play with them. They were not amused.